Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Meaning of My Business Name #bloggerchallenge #day3

Well for starters, I’m not sure that this would be considered a business. A platform for expression? Maybe. But a business? I’m not sure about that. Not yet anyways.

One thing that many people do not know is the name/ brand of my blog. It’s something I came up with a couple years ago while writing.  I started searching for a logo design and even bought a domain name for my website but I have not yet implemented any of it. Come to think of it, as I’m writing now, I feel like what better time than now? Why wait any longer? Or procrastinate anymore?
Anyways, the name of my blog is ‘Forever Flourish’. The name to me is symbolic of all things lovely and all things beautiful, it represents our potential and purpose to continue growing and evolving into the woman (or man) we’ve been created to be throughout this journey called life.
A couple of my favorite definitions of ‘flourish’ are as follows:
1.       (of a person, animal, or other living organism) grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly favorable environment

2.       (of a person) wave (something) around to attract the attention of others:

3.       a bold or extravagant gesture or action, made especially to attract the attention of others.
The first definition talks about ‘growing or developing in a healthy way ESPECIALLY as a result of a particular favorable environment.’ I personally believe no matter who you are, where you live, what you do or what season of life you’re in, it is God’s desire that you flourish there. Often times we believe that when we get to a certain place; ‘when I have a house’ or ‘when I get this job’.  For others, it’s about a marital status or when you have kids or when your kids grow up and for others it’s when you graduate school. 
While these things are important and life changing,  it’s my personal belief that you were created to flourish wherever you are with whatever you’re doing. The ‘favorable environment’ you’re looking for to flourish in, is the one right around you. The one you’re sitting in, the one you’re living in. Where you are, right now, with what you have. This is YOUR FAVORABLE ENVIRONMENT simply because it’s yours.
Like a fish in a dog kennel or a dog stuck at sea, it’s not about where you are but rather being where you were meant to be. Finding your own rhythm in life, finding your own place and knowing that wherever that is, it’s better than any other place you could find.
As a married woman with two kids, full time ministry, full time employee and part time student, I have my days when I feel like ‘when they get bigger it will be easier’ or ‘once I graduate, things will slow down’ or ‘if I had a maid, things would be better’ but it’s truly my heart’s desire to flourish right where I am, with what I have during the specific season I’m in.
My blog is about living that journey out loud and encouraging as many people as I can to follow. Maybe your story isn’t like mine, maybe you don’t have children or a spouse, maybe you aren’t in school or employed, but I can assure you, like many of us there is something that makes your heart leap and there are things around you that make that ‘thing’ seem in possible to attain.
Deep in my soul I hear, ‘What if it’s not impossible?  What if I can do it? What if I can make it? Surely there is enough grace!’
I believe that we were created to flourish, indefinitely and independent of our circumstances.  My blog is documentation of that process.

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