Monday, April 29, 2013


“Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it turned into a butterfly”

I love this little reminder of how beautiful and hopeful life was intended to be. There will be times when everything around you seems to have gone dark and your world will look like it is over, but in that very moment God can give you a great new beginning, much greater than you ever expected. Don’t fear your time of transition! God created you in the inner most part of your mother’s womb, in the silence and in the darkness. Sometimes God will bring you back to a silent, dark place in order to give you a new beginning, a spiritual rebirth. Don’t resist change; you never know what may be waiting for you just ahead.

Just as the caterpillar became a butterfly, you too will flourish in due season. Every time you think of quitting, remember the butterfly and ask yourself,

Why would I want to crawl and scurry when I can flourish and fly??

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Next Chapter...

I love to read! Buying a new book is always exciting for me and I love diving into the first couple of chapters. I find it exciting to read, almost exhilarating as I flip through the pages with anticipation and expectancy!! Well, this is how I feel in the beginning anyways! Then, as time goes on, the excitement of reading, flipping from page to page and then chapter by chapter finishing the book simply wears off.

I don't know why this happens. I really do like to read but I guess life just gets in the way, I get stuck in my day to day routine and reading just falls off my priority list. Before I know it, I'm stuck on the same chapter, for weeks or even months until the next time I pick the book back up. Sometimes, by the time I pick it up again, I've forgotten the first half of the chapter and now I’ll restart the entire thing all over again! This has to be the worst because now I’m just reading what I’ve already read once before, that’s pretty pointless wouldn’t you say?

I was thinking about this the other night and realized just how similar this habit is to my lifestyle. So many times I start off on something new, I'm excited and determined and this will last for a little while but then, before I even know what’s happening, I've stopped doing what I set out to do. Suddenly, my hopes, dreams or plans are back on the bookshelf of my brain until the next time I decide to pick them up off the shelf.

It’s not intentional. I know that my hearts desire is always to finish what I start but I guess life just gets the best of me and no matter how focused I am, taking the sidetrack seems inevitable. Sometimes I get so frustrated with this vicious cycle, I want to scream and sometimes I think this isn't the worst of bad habits to have! However, lately I've realized that it actually is that bad.. My “little habit” has left me on the same chapter of life for far too long, far too many times and I refuse to allow even the smallest of things to hold me back from “the next chapter” of life any longer.

I’ve literally become sick and tired of sitting in the same place, hoping, dreaming and even praying for advancement yet when I look back, the start line seems closer than it was last time I checked. Even worse, I cannot take another day of a chapter “re-read” because I’ve been stuck for so long, I forgot where I was and had to start all over again.

I’ve realized whenever I start something, whatever it may be, it needs to be finished. There has to be some sort of resolution or completion in order to move to the next thing. Life is all about progression, not stagnation. My deepest desire is to finish what I’ve started. No matter how small, or big, I want to finish it out and see the results. Being stuck like an ant in honey is not how I want to live my life.. Yes, it might be sweet at first, but that will only last so long before that honey swallows the little ant alive. I don’t want to be swallowed alive by a moment that seems sweet because I don’t have the determination, discipline or faith to move forward.

For every chapter of life you stay stuck on, reliving it over and over without ever finishing, and for every chapter of life you fail to complete, there are multiple chapters waiting to begin.

I have decided, with my whole heart, mind and soul, that I will move forward in life. Chapter by chapter until this book is finished. I will not re-read another second of life, wasting time on what was, when everything that is awaits my arrival is just ahead..

I can’t be the only one… What have you started and never finished? What hopes, dreams or goals do you have sitting on the bookshelf of your brain waiting to be picked back up again? Pick up where you left off and don’t ever stop again…

Perseverance always prevails.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Rarely Radical..

I am rarely radical when it comes to political beliefs in the Christian world, I believe Christianity was intended to be relational, not political and should be caught and embraced rather than taught and trained. However, every so often I see or read something that lights a spark inside of me and I just might express my perspective! This happens to be one of those times…

I don’t believe in nitpicking with other believers regarding topics of preference simply because it doesn’t matter but, sometimes we all need to be redirected to a point of truth and not personal preference. (Yes, I call it personal preference because in all actuality, most often our “standards of Christianity” hold no biblical bearing on salvation; therefore they are a matter of preference, not truth.)

There is one truth, and that is the Word of God, everything outside of that can be opinion or preference, but not truth. To make myself completely clear, I do not disregard Pastors, preachers or teachers who find revelation in the scripture. That is not my intention. God will speak to people and through people, however, it will always align itself with His word and when it doesn’t, that is a preference from man and not a revelation from God.

My issue is when preference outranks truth and then both believers and non- believers are mislead into a false idea of salvation and Christianity.

If abstaining from jeans, makeup, earrings & jewelry had any bearing on your salvation, then the crucifixion of Jesus Christ would have been done in vain and irrelevant to believers today.

There is nothing you can do (or not do for that matter) that will bring you closer to or further from Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. You are saved by grace, not good works, public appearance or tiring rules, rituals or religious practices. A desperate attempt to create a reachable standard minimizes the greatness of God and His perfect plan of redemption for all mankind. To call the clothes someone wears to church unholy, the color nail polish they choose demonic or the jewelry they wear provocative without ever evaluating your own heart and intentions regarding these judgments is foolishness. I am certain that Jesus is much more concerned with the condition of our hearts, rather than the clothes on our backs.

It honestly saddens me when I hear of these sorts of beliefs systems. Systems so self- centered that they mock the very sacrifice that was made at the cross by thinking there is ANYTHING that can be done in order to be saved. I believe that it is our deepest desire to be “safe” and KNOW we are in right standing that leads us to create our own guidelines for Salvation and in turn steering others into a false idea of faith, not with the intention to be deceitful, rather a product of personal desperation.

I wonder what it would look like if the church would stop its tireless attempts to deflect the bad and began a diligent pursuit of good… I wonder if in that pursuit of righteousness and justice believers would find true peace in the presence of God and no longer attempt to create a salvation of their own.

My heart is heavy for this situation, and I would say to both the believer and non- believer alike, YOU ARE ENOUGH. Jesus died for YOU, your sins, your short comings and every mistake you would ever make. This is not a license to do wrong, but a release to live free. There is nothing you can do to separate yourself from God, there is nothing you can do to earn (or keep) your salvation other than simply BELIEVING. Release yourself from the yoke of slavery, once and for all. You are free. Free to live in Jesus Christ. You are no longer bound by sin. YOU ARE FREE, for who the SON (not rules or rituals) sets FREE, IS FREE INDEED.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Letting Go

Sometimes letting go can be the hardest thing to do.

Whether it be good or bad, we'd rather hold on to what we know, what is familiar and what is comfortable rather then be exposed to the unknown, which can be frightening and intimidating...

I've noticed in my life, change & I have a love/ hate relationship. Although I love the excitement & potential change brings, I'm not a fan of the unknown. I'm a planner. I like to know who, what, where, when, why & how. All the unknown elements of change sometimes bring more fear to my heart than anything else, and this has left me in a place of stagnation far too many times..

All of creation is designed to change, grow, mature & develop. An unwillingness to change will inevitably leave you sad, stuck & stagnant, none of which are attributes I'd like to see my life defined by.

A burdened heart is the heaviest weight you can carry. It's essential that you truly, completely & whole heartedly, LET IT GO. Whatever "it" is, when you know it's time to do so, let it go.. Holding on will only hinder your future. You'll never grasp what is ahead if you're holding on to what's behind.

Your burden might look different then mine, and my burden may be different from the next person but one thing remains the same, it's an unnecessary weight, holding us down and limiting our potential joy and success.

There is nothing worth holding on to if it means limiting your access to all that God has for you...

Close your eyes.
Clear your heart.
Let it go.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Everyday there is a fight in your mind of good and evil. In one moment you may hear sweet whispers of hope and destiny, while in the very next moment you have lashes of defeat and failure attacking you. Daily, we face the struggle of good and evil in our minds.

Why is this? Why are there so many thoughts constantly pouring in and out? We live in a society where something or someone is always fighting for our attention and imposing their thoughts, feelings and opinions on us. Turn on the TV; you’ll see exactly what society deems as “right”. Pick up a magazine; you’ll see what society thinks women should look like, what men should act like or what “success” is. Better yet, open your Facebook or Twitter accounts, those social media outlets constantly provide a plethora of mixed- matched opinions and emotions. As you read through your timeline, your mind literally goes through a roller coaster of emotions as you mentally digest all that you read.

As a society we’ve become very confused, men and women of all ages constantly struggling with self-defeating thoughts, low self- esteem, feeling worthless or useless. Although it has become quite common, I know that this was never God’s original intent for His creation.

I know that God, in all of His goodness created mankind in His imagine for a purpose; to release a portion of His glory onto this earth through the lives of each of His children. I know those sweet whispers of greatness and destiny are God whispers. It is the very hope that He declares in His word, coming straight from His lips to our hearts.

An uninterrupted thought is priceless. Too many voices will dampen the One that matters most, too much noise will drown out the true sound of success. Peace and quiet is necessary, commitment and dedication to what is right is essential. 

I’ve made a commitment in my own life to focus on the One who matters most. Daily I face mental and emotional adversity, I have a little inclination in my heart that there is something greater waiting to be released into the world, and then I hear the sound of no hopers surrounding me and it can be hard to maneuver through the bad to get to the good.

Despite the conflict, I have fixed my mind on one thing, the TRUTH that God speaks about me, rather than the OPINIONS of those around me. I believe it’s not necessarily what is verbalized to you that will negatively impact you; rather it will be the things you internalize that will bring you down.

Not every thought is worth thinking, not ever opinion is worth meditating on, not every person will have your best interest at heart, but that’s OK! Today, you can choose to live by the TRUTH of God’s word, rather than the OPINION of a confused mankind.

Next time you face this struggle think about this scripture, it always helps me to keep in perspective what I should and shouldn’t be thinking of…

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Philippians 4:8

Allow yourself to think of all that is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely and admirable. Your thoughts alone can take you from distracted to destiny!

Think of the BEST and FORGET THE REST :)

Sunday, April 14, 2013


I’ve always been interested in the “key to success”. What is it about some people that makes them that much happier and that much more successful? Things just come a little more natural to them and life happens with ease rather than struggle.

How is it that two people can have the same opportunities available to them, the same resources and the same path of life set before them yet one will find destiny and one will find destruction? Why it is that one person can fill their days with hope while others choose hate? Is there a secret ingredient to life that is offered to some and not others? Are some just destined for doom while others will see life flourish before them?

Although many people would like to say, that these things are true, and some people are just naturally “successful”. I believe there is one difference between those who live their live with ease, and those who force their way through... The difference is perspective.

Perspective has the power to frame the outline of your life, color your days with hope, and fill your heart with happiness. Although many of us would like to think the outcome of our day, whether it is “good” or “bad” is a matter of circumstance, I would say it’s quite the opposite. Life isn’t about WHAT happens to you, rather HOW YOU SEE IT.

Perspective is powerful. There is a very fine like between a blessing and a burden, a line so thin it’s easily overlook and inaccurately assessed. It’s not a matter of wisdom that determines the difference; it’s a matter of perspective.

As my pregnancy continues on there is one thing I’ve realized, every day I wake up with about 30 reasons why my day should be that much more difficult, that much more tiring, that much more limiting. However, I’ve decided long ago my pregnancy would not disable me; rather it would enable me to live a life that is that much fuller because now I have purpose that extends much further than me.

While some say I’ve gained weight, I say I’ve gained a blessing. While some call me big, I think I’m beautiful, while some count my pounds, I count my blessings.  Maybe I’m detached from reality, or maybe it’s all a matter of perspective. BEAUTY is truly in the eye of the beholder.

Every moment of every day, whether it’s in a big way or small, you are given an opportunity to see good or to see bad, to choose hope or hate, to flourish or fail. The choice is yours. Perspective alone will determine the outcome of your day. Will you allow your mindset to minimize or maximize the opportunities set before you today?