Friday, July 25, 2014

Please, take a straw.

I saw this and immediately started laughing. What funny imagery.

We've all encountered that person who sucks the fun out of everything. No matter how awesome something or someone is, the find fault or reason for failure. They're a pessimist by nature and no one can tell them otherwise. 

How do you handle those types of people? How do you move forward living life and loving people under these circumstances? I think the answer is simple. 

Give them their straw back! 

People can only get as close as you allow them to. Their level of influence whether be positive or negative is determined by you. 

You don't like what someone stands for? Give them their straw back! 
You don't like how someone makes you feel? 
Give them their staw back! 
You don't like how someone's point of view?  
Give them their straw back! 
You don't like what someone posts online? 
Give them their staw back! (As well as hit the "unfollow" button which works wonders) 

Their are SO many wonderful, strong, influential people in this world. Don't focus on the small minority that are out to make things miserable. You choose whom you allow into your life. If you don't like something, let it go. Walk away. 

Give them their straw back. 

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