Thursday, July 31, 2014

One Step At A Time..

Reuben and I have spent a lot of time at Sleeping Giant over the last year. On any given gorgeous Saturday morning, we take the trip up to Hamden and hike our way through miles of wildlife wilderness. 

It’s interesting because no matter how many times I go, I’m still amazed by how much God teaches through His creation. Although at times it can seem predictable, it is so awe inspiring at the very same time.  

As Reuben and I approach the park the view is always the same, all you see is a big mountain off in the distance covered in trees and you wonder how anyone can even navigate through. I always feel so small approaching something so large and almost get a sense of tiredness (if that's a word) as we approach knowing soon I’ll be walking all over that massive piece of land. 

As we get out of the car and walk towards the path, I feel my strides getting bigger, my heart beats a little faster, my face feels a little hotter and I know, it's about to go down!! 

Walking the path a few things became very evident, very quickly. 

WATCH WHERE YOU’RE GOING. But don't watch too closely for too long. As you’re walking the "path" there are lots of rocks, branches, rubbish and even water in your way. It's important to watch where you're going but it's really important to make sure you look up and around in order to ensure you're still in the right path. As important as it is to look down, making sure you don't slip, trip or fall, it's equally as important (if not more important) to look up. Looking up ensures you're still on the path you set out to be. With so many paths and so many different levels of difficulty, the last thing you want to do is end up on one that surpasses your level of strength and endurance, or even worse on no path at all. 

TRUST THE PROCESS. As you're walking, every so often you see a colored mark, assuring you you're on the right path but these marks come far and few. You might see one, and then not see another for what seems like a while. In between the moments of reassurance you've got to trust that you're going the right way.  You might find reassurance in other forms. Maybe you'll see someone off in the distance, that's certainly a sign that you're on the right path or you'll notice the ground is warn as though many other feet have hit the ground running here before, or maybe you just glance over and remember a certain spot or view. Yes, you've got to watch where you're going, but simultaneously you've got to find the perfect balance between knowing and trusting. You don't always get to see where you're going next until you approach the next move, but pay attention to the various other ways to find reassurance that you're indeed on the right track. 

STOP, LOOK, REFLECT AND ENJOY! Once you start going, sometimes you forget to stop and enjoy the scenery. If your only concern is how fast you make it through the trail, you'll miss out on so much beauty. God has so much to teach us through nature and all of creation, if we would just be so inclined to listen, I’m sure we would be amazed by what He reveals. Everytime I step foot off that mountain, I feel like I've once again, received a life lesson straight from heaven. 

ONE STEP AT A TIME. The trails (especially those less traveled) take you up and down cliff sides, through the rocks, trees and streams of the mountain side. As you travel it's easy to become overwhelmed with all that lies before you, focusing on how big, how long and how rough the trail is but if you fix your eyes on what is directly in front of you, taking it one step at a time, before you know it you're farther than you ever expected. 

Each time I step foot on that mountain, I see another way my experience perfectly parallels many of life’s everyday obstacles.  

How often do we face situations that seem so monstrous that the mere APPROACH makes us weary? 

Sleeping Giant has taught me a lot about this mountain called life.

1.) Watch where you're going, but never forget to look UP and AROUND. Keeping your head down too long will inevitably leave you lost and confused. The best perspective comes from above.

2. Trust the process- even when you can't see the next step. Although you may always have subtle signs of confirmation, you won't have the road mapped out for you and that's ok! 
3. Stop, look, reflect & ENJOY! Life happens SO fast. Do not be so focused on "getting there" (wherever there might be for you) that you forget to enjoy the process. Don't wait for the mountain top experience to find happiness, those come far and few. It's through the day to day, season to season that life unfolds and it's true beauty is unveiled. Sometimes the journey is better than the destination. 
4. No matter how long the the road seems, just remember, you can only take it one step at a time. Don't run before you walk. You can't conquer the world in a day, but you can take steps in the right direction. 

Life is just like a mountain. It can be big, scary, intimidating and draining OR it can be beautiful, exciting and encouraging. At times if might beat you up, but through the struggle you'll always find strength. 

How do you climb a mountain?
One step at a time. 

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