Sunday, March 23, 2014

It's a Collaberation

We all have something awesome to bring to the table. Each of us has gifts, talents, strengths and weaknesses that come together collectively for a greater purpose. Yet how many times do we focus less on what we have, and more on what we don’t or even worse, we focus on what OTHERS have. I’ve read before that comparison is the thief of joy and this couldn’t be any more true. Any time you spend your days comparing yourself to those around you, you suck the joy and peace right out of your life.

Who are you in competition with? You may say no one, but let me ask you like this; who do you compare yourself to on a daily basis? 
Have you ever found yourself saying something like this:

“Well, if I had that much time…”
“If I made that much money”
“If I was married”
“If I was single”
“If my kids were older”
“If my kids were younger”
“If I had less responsibility”
 “If I had more friends”
“If I was that smart”
“If I had that body”
“If my wife was like his”
“If my husband was like hers”
“If my family supported me”
“If I had a nicer car”
“If I had a smaller house”
“If I had a bigger house”
"If I had a better job" 
"If I didn't have to work"

Everyday whether we realize it or not we put ourselves in competition with those around us. We aren’t trying to live OUR life and maximize OUR strengths, talents and abilities, rather we spend our days thinking about how much easier it would be if we had what the next person had, and then we work in vain to try and attain those things that were not meant for us in this season of life. 

What would happen if you took hold of what you have, right now, right where you are and you maximized the potential that you behold? What would that look like?  

Everyday when you wake up, instead of looking to the right or the left in envy of what those around you have, look inward. What is inside of you, waiting to bust out and change the world around you? What do you possess right now that could change your home, you family, your friends, your job?

You might not have what the next person has to offer, but you do have something and together, we can make a collaboration of something great.

A beautiful life is not a competition, it’s collaboration.

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