Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Looking for Love

Deep down inside we all have a desire to be longed after, appreciated, loved, cared for or even just noticed.. We all want to know that someone out there sees us, and cares for us. We want to know that we aren't alone. We want to know we have friends, the kind of friends that care about us as much as we care for them, who are willing to go the extra mile to help us out when we need it, who aren't one sided in their expectations and are truly willing to give rather than just receive. Deep inside, we all just want to know that someone out there sees the good IN us and is willing to do what it takes to pull it OUT..

I'm certain, whether we admit it or not, we all have a desire to know a love that is unconditional, freely given and overflowing in our lives. Not just sometimes, but all the time.

Who hasn’t ever felt like this? Who hasn’t sat down and thought, “wow, if only there was ONE, just ONE, who cared for me, the way I cared for them.” It seems like knowing that someone loves you and is rooting for you is all we need to push forward a little further, reach a little higher, believe a little longer.

This desire for love isn’t new, it isn’t wrong, it isn’t selfish and it certainly isn’t out of reach. However, too many times our desires have been misdirected and our search has come back empty leaving us to believe a love like this doesn't exist, but that's not true! It does exist, we’ve just been looking in all the wrong places.

We were made in the image of God, in His likeness and I believe His desire to be loved by us, has been embedded in US as a desire to be loved by Him as well. The only problem is, we have searched through all creation for this great love when in actuality it can only be given by the creator of love Himself.

Some of us look to men or women, husbands or wives, boyfriends or girlfriends, our children, our leaders, our bosses or our family and friends. The desire to be validated by another can be relentless, almost like a burning within. Is this feeling wrong? No, it’s just misplaced. We cannot look to man or woman to fill a void this great, a void created by God to be filled by Him alone.

The love we seek after is no ordinary love; rather it is a love so unique that it can only be found in God. No other love will every quench your desire the way the love of God can.  This love is not a “one size fits all” kind of love. He loves each one of us in the exact way we need to be loved and will give each one of us the exact portion which we need to be not only fulfilled, but overflowing.

This love is pure and perfect, filling each void and emptiness we have, and then, it continues to pour out on us in abundance until it overflows. This love is so great, it could only come from the One who IS love..

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