It amazes me how much time we can spend fixated on others. Focusing on what someone else does or does do, says and does not say. It's almost like a subconscious habit to critique others, whether verbally or mentally.
Over time I've realized something though, you can only do YOUR part. You can encourage, direct or lead others but the bottom line is you can't do THEIR part.
Separately, nothing can justify YOU not doing what YOU are suppose to. If you KNOW what you ought to do, do it.. Otherwise you are living in sin.
(Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it. James 4:17)
I think the devil specifically puts thoughts & feelings towards others in our mind and makes THEIR faults so evident to us for one simple reason- we can't change others. The devil knows the longer we remain fixated on THEM, our eyes are off of Jesus & we can no long strive for perfection when we are so fixated on an imperfect vessel.
Our minds get so perplexed when we don't understand people or their choices and it throws us off track because we become so fixated on other peoples flaws we forget to look in our own mirror. Even the bible tells us we all fall short, so why are we so surprised? The fact that along with those around us, we too fall short sometimes should make it that much easier to look past the petty & look into the potential.
We need to constantly be looking at OUR actions and OUR attitudes in relation to God and His word because then, and only then can we truly see where we stand in this christian walk.
One of my favorite scriptures on this topic is Psalm 139:23- 24
Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.
If you compare yourself to others, you will always "feel" as if "you aren't SO bad" or maybe you wont feel "good enough", whatever the case may be, it's an inaccurate measure of your self worth. The only way to "measure up" to another with accuracy is to compare yourself to Jesus, the one and only comparison of what TRUE love is, what TRUE obedience is, what TRUE faith is and what TRUE trust in God looks like. THEN you will see an honest & accurate measure if where you are and where you need to be...
This isn't something that will come natural, since childhood we have compared and contrasted ourselves to those around us. It will take time, effort, commitment and most of all discipline, but the transformation will be worth it.
The one thing I ask of the LORD— the thing I seek most—
is to live in the house of the LORD all the days of my life,
delighting in the LORD’s perfections
and meditating in his Temple. Psalm 27:4
I'm making the decision to look to JESUS. To SEEK out truth, to SEEK out direction and insight to SEEK out wisdom and understanding to SEEK out the Christ like character that's hidden within.
Definition of SEEK:
1. To resort to: go to
2. To go in search of: look for: try to discover
3. To ask for: REQUEST
4. To try to acquire or gain; aim at.
SEEK is a VERB and if you remember from elementary school, a verb is an ACTION word. It's going to take ACTION on our part if this is TRULY the desire of our heart.
There are many people who think they KNOW the way, but JESUS IS THE WAY. If you aren't always looking to the one way of life, you'll inevitably slip, fall and stubble into a place you'd rather not be.
Fix your eyes on Jesus. Don't look to the left or to the right, don't allow the short comings of another become your stumbling block. You have one life to live, give it the best you possibly can and forget about everything else!!
Next time I face a difficult person or situation that I don't understand, I've made up in my mind that before I judge or criticize I will look inward to my own heart and then upward to God's heart. Then and only then will I find true direction or peace.
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