Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Everyday there is a fight in your mind of good and evil. In one moment you may hear sweet whispers of hope and destiny, while in the very next moment you have lashes of defeat and failure attacking you. Daily, we face the struggle of good and evil in our minds.

Why is this? Why are there so many thoughts constantly pouring in and out? We live in a society where something or someone is always fighting for our attention and imposing their thoughts, feelings and opinions on us. Turn on the TV; you’ll see exactly what society deems as “right”. Pick up a magazine; you’ll see what society thinks women should look like, what men should act like or what “success” is. Better yet, open your Facebook or Twitter accounts, those social media outlets constantly provide a plethora of mixed- matched opinions and emotions. As you read through your timeline, your mind literally goes through a roller coaster of emotions as you mentally digest all that you read.

As a society we’ve become very confused, men and women of all ages constantly struggling with self-defeating thoughts, low self- esteem, feeling worthless or useless. Although it has become quite common, I know that this was never God’s original intent for His creation.

I know that God, in all of His goodness created mankind in His imagine for a purpose; to release a portion of His glory onto this earth through the lives of each of His children. I know those sweet whispers of greatness and destiny are God whispers. It is the very hope that He declares in His word, coming straight from His lips to our hearts.

An uninterrupted thought is priceless. Too many voices will dampen the One that matters most, too much noise will drown out the true sound of success. Peace and quiet is necessary, commitment and dedication to what is right is essential. 

I’ve made a commitment in my own life to focus on the One who matters most. Daily I face mental and emotional adversity, I have a little inclination in my heart that there is something greater waiting to be released into the world, and then I hear the sound of no hopers surrounding me and it can be hard to maneuver through the bad to get to the good.

Despite the conflict, I have fixed my mind on one thing, the TRUTH that God speaks about me, rather than the OPINIONS of those around me. I believe it’s not necessarily what is verbalized to you that will negatively impact you; rather it will be the things you internalize that will bring you down.

Not every thought is worth thinking, not ever opinion is worth meditating on, not every person will have your best interest at heart, but that’s OK! Today, you can choose to live by the TRUTH of God’s word, rather than the OPINION of a confused mankind.

Next time you face this struggle think about this scripture, it always helps me to keep in perspective what I should and shouldn’t be thinking of…

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Philippians 4:8

Allow yourself to think of all that is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely and admirable. Your thoughts alone can take you from distracted to destiny!

Think of the BEST and FORGET THE REST :)

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