Thursday, July 31, 2014

One Step At A Time..

Reuben and I have spent a lot of time at Sleeping Giant over the last year. On any given gorgeous Saturday morning, we take the trip up to Hamden and hike our way through miles of wildlife wilderness. 

It’s interesting because no matter how many times I go, I’m still amazed by how much God teaches through His creation. Although at times it can seem predictable, it is so awe inspiring at the very same time.  

As Reuben and I approach the park the view is always the same, all you see is a big mountain off in the distance covered in trees and you wonder how anyone can even navigate through. I always feel so small approaching something so large and almost get a sense of tiredness (if that's a word) as we approach knowing soon I’ll be walking all over that massive piece of land. 

As we get out of the car and walk towards the path, I feel my strides getting bigger, my heart beats a little faster, my face feels a little hotter and I know, it's about to go down!! 

Walking the path a few things became very evident, very quickly. 

WATCH WHERE YOU’RE GOING. But don't watch too closely for too long. As you’re walking the "path" there are lots of rocks, branches, rubbish and even water in your way. It's important to watch where you're going but it's really important to make sure you look up and around in order to ensure you're still in the right path. As important as it is to look down, making sure you don't slip, trip or fall, it's equally as important (if not more important) to look up. Looking up ensures you're still on the path you set out to be. With so many paths and so many different levels of difficulty, the last thing you want to do is end up on one that surpasses your level of strength and endurance, or even worse on no path at all. 

TRUST THE PROCESS. As you're walking, every so often you see a colored mark, assuring you you're on the right path but these marks come far and few. You might see one, and then not see another for what seems like a while. In between the moments of reassurance you've got to trust that you're going the right way.  You might find reassurance in other forms. Maybe you'll see someone off in the distance, that's certainly a sign that you're on the right path or you'll notice the ground is warn as though many other feet have hit the ground running here before, or maybe you just glance over and remember a certain spot or view. Yes, you've got to watch where you're going, but simultaneously you've got to find the perfect balance between knowing and trusting. You don't always get to see where you're going next until you approach the next move, but pay attention to the various other ways to find reassurance that you're indeed on the right track. 

STOP, LOOK, REFLECT AND ENJOY! Once you start going, sometimes you forget to stop and enjoy the scenery. If your only concern is how fast you make it through the trail, you'll miss out on so much beauty. God has so much to teach us through nature and all of creation, if we would just be so inclined to listen, I’m sure we would be amazed by what He reveals. Everytime I step foot off that mountain, I feel like I've once again, received a life lesson straight from heaven. 

ONE STEP AT A TIME. The trails (especially those less traveled) take you up and down cliff sides, through the rocks, trees and streams of the mountain side. As you travel it's easy to become overwhelmed with all that lies before you, focusing on how big, how long and how rough the trail is but if you fix your eyes on what is directly in front of you, taking it one step at a time, before you know it you're farther than you ever expected. 

Each time I step foot on that mountain, I see another way my experience perfectly parallels many of life’s everyday obstacles.  

How often do we face situations that seem so monstrous that the mere APPROACH makes us weary? 

Sleeping Giant has taught me a lot about this mountain called life.

1.) Watch where you're going, but never forget to look UP and AROUND. Keeping your head down too long will inevitably leave you lost and confused. The best perspective comes from above.

2. Trust the process- even when you can't see the next step. Although you may always have subtle signs of confirmation, you won't have the road mapped out for you and that's ok! 
3. Stop, look, reflect & ENJOY! Life happens SO fast. Do not be so focused on "getting there" (wherever there might be for you) that you forget to enjoy the process. Don't wait for the mountain top experience to find happiness, those come far and few. It's through the day to day, season to season that life unfolds and it's true beauty is unveiled. Sometimes the journey is better than the destination. 
4. No matter how long the the road seems, just remember, you can only take it one step at a time. Don't run before you walk. You can't conquer the world in a day, but you can take steps in the right direction. 

Life is just like a mountain. It can be big, scary, intimidating and draining OR it can be beautiful, exciting and encouraging. At times if might beat you up, but through the struggle you'll always find strength. 

How do you climb a mountain?
One step at a time. 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

True Beauty Starts on the Inside (Or Does It?)

They say that true beauty comes from the inside. I use to agree but after the last several months I've realized this isn't always the case. Sometimes true beauty does start on the outside.

Before you start thinking I'm some superficial, shallow being- hear me out! I've blogged over the past few months regarding the changes I've faced as a new mom, and my desperate attempt to feel like ME again and regain some sense of beauty after being stretched thin, sliced open and left to recover without a very good understanding of what the heck just happened to me!

I've found it difficult to find a balance of being a mother, wife, friend, leader, daughter, sister, aunt, employee (and the list goes on) while simultaneously trying dig deep to the bottom of what is left of just plain old Lori. 

I loved being pregnant. Pregnancy was good to me. I was in AWE of my ever changing body rather than in disgust of it. I liked seeing my body grow, I was amused by how it would stretch to accommodate my growing baby but like I've said before, towards the end, I simply couldn't wait to feel like ME again. I just wanted my body back!

Shortly after giving birth, I realized that not only did I NOT have my body back, I felt more foreign to myself then I had the previous 9 months. Now I still didn’t fit into my clothes, I still didn’t feel normal and I no longer had a cute baby bump to dote on. All that was left was extra skin, extra pounds and lots of stretch marks. My physical limitations after my c-section far exceeded any pregnancy limitations I faced. This left me feeling frail, broken, used and abused.

On top of all this, I had dark circles under my eyes from sleepless nights, my showers were short and to the point, and getting dressed meant wearing anything more than a bathrobe. I spent my days nursing, changing, rocking and repeating. Over, and over again.

 To say I felt unusual would be putting it nicely. I stopped doing my hair, I didn’t have time for makeup, I was just a milk making, baby changing, house cleaning machine.

Then steps in Yvette. One of the most beautiful woman I know both inside and out. She has a passion for bringing out the inner beauty in woman and helping them discover the fabulousness within. She’s one of the most amazing, talented and caring woman I know. Thankfully not only do I call her my hair dresser, I call her my friend.

Yvette helped me reconnect with my inner beauty. She opened my eyes to see that there was life after becoming a mom. She showed me that just because I had less time and more responsibility, does not mean that I give up on myself. She encouraged me to dig deeper,  push harder and wake up earlier! 

Yvette has been such an encouragement over the last year. Helping me to revamp my hair, teaching me new make up techniques, getting me involved with Ipsy (which is my own personal Christmas each month) and motivating me to work hard and shed these unwanted pregnancy pounds.

When I felt my worst, she helped bring out my best. When I felt the ugliest, she showed me how to uncover my beauty, when I was discouraged she reminded me that hard work and dedication would pay off.

Everyone says that true beauty starts on the inside. I use to agree, but now, I couldn’t disagree most. Today, I feel better about myself than I ever have before. I feel more beautiful, more secure and more confident that I have EVER and it didn’t start on the inside. It started from the outside. From a voice of hope to a text of encouragement to personal lessons, tips and advice not just about how I am beautiful, but HOW I can bring it out. She encouraged me and enabled me to maximize my beauty and minimize my flaws. 

I’m thankful that when I felt my worse on the inside, someone stepped in and imparted true beauty from the outside. I’m thankful that what I couldn’t see in myself, she helped highlight for me.

We are all beautiful in our own way, but sometimes we need a little help seeing it. Yvette opened my eyes to see all that I was and rediscover all that I thought had been lost. 

Who are you encouraging today? Who’s beauty can you pull out?

Strength sees strength, insecurities see insecurities. Be a woman (or man) that sees the beauty, strength and potential in others and make it your mission to help them pull it out.

True beauty can start on the outside. I’m proof.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Be a Voice, Not an Echo

I saw this picture today and thought it was so powerful. It said:

"Be a voice, not an echo" 

I stopped to think of all the times in life I have been mearly an echo. Times where I was too afraid to step out on my own and stand up for what I believed in, so I would just fell into the sound wave of others. 

Talking, talking and talking some more. Just "making conversation" and going through the motions.
Have you ever had the feeling you talk too much? 

Lately I've been paying even closer attention to the words I speak. People who know me well, know that I typically say such things as "words that build". I put a lot of emphasis on just speaking in a way that brings life and light to a situation and not death or darkness. I'm usually pretty good at this but lately I've been noticing that I just talk too much! 

It's not anything bad, persay. It's not lying, gossiping, cheating or slander.. It's not rude or hurtful.  It's more the everyday, going with the flow of life, echoing the sound of this world. 

When I open my ears to the sounds of our society what I can hear can be described as this: broken, shattered, mangled, corrupt, hurt, desperate, sick, afraid, anxious, jealous, envious. 

BUT when I open my ears to the sound of heaven, what I hear can be described like this: joyful, fullness, complete, peaceful, loving, kind, fulfilling.... 

I've realized something, it takes a special ear to hear the sound of heaven over the calamerty of the world. Not everyone will hear it, but if you are fortunate enough to sense the sound, it's up to you to silence yourself, lean in, listen and then be a voice of heaven not an echo to the world. 

There are enough echoes in this world, be a voice. 

Saturday, July 26, 2014

I'm Not Afraid

As I walked into the quiet darkness of an empty home, bags in hand with my sweet, sleepy Sav knocked out in my arms, something felt different. 

Usually I would walk in and  frantically swat at the light switch, afraid of the unknown the darkness held, feeling like I needed to get the light on as quickly as possible to expose anything (or anyone) that might be waiting for my arrival.  

But today was different. I walked in, walked towards the steps and made my way up the stairs. I've taken this walk so many times before, I felt no need to flip the switch and risk the possibility of waking my daughter up. I walked up to the main floor, put her to bed and felt something I haven't felt in a long time, if ever. 

I felt nothing. 

Absolutely nothing. No fear of an empty house. No worry of someone being there. No anxiety of being alone. An unfamiliar (yet very welcomed) feeling of calmness and securety came over me. Something that I've longed for for quite some time now. It was finally here. 

In that moment I became very aware of just how much I WASN'T afraid. How much I didn't fear the darkness, how much I didn't fear being alone. 

I thought to myself; what was I EVER afraid of? 

I don't know. I really don't. 

But I do know that I'm no longer afraid. I'm not afraid of what could happen or what might happen. I'm not afraid of the unknown. I'm not afraid of being alone. 

I'm not afraid. 

Why? I think today, I was reminded or better yet, reassured, that I am never alone. I am walking with a lion. He goes before me, yet He is behind me. He shows me the way and He goes the way with me. 

What can anyone do to me? My fear is in The Lord and only Him. My trust is in Him and only Him. My faith, my identity and my future, it's all in His hand.

I use to be so afraid of everything but now, I'm different. 

The LORD is for me, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me? Psalms 118:6 

Absolutely nothing. 

Friday, July 25, 2014


What an incrediably long day at work! To say my brain is fried would be an understatement.. Nonetheless, here I am. Blogging away. 

God is so amazing. The way he teaches, leads, directs and corrects. It's like He knows each of us so well AND speaks to us in a way that makes sense for us. 

Today I was walking through the hall, approaching the bathroom, when BAM. It hit me. Literally. You see, I went to open the bathroom door and did one of those where you walk in before it opens kind of thing and bam, face first. Into the door. It's funny now but in the moment it was a little painful and quite humiliating. 

As I smacked the door,  and looked down at the LOCKED knob, I remembered (again) that I need a key to enter the restroom. It was like at that moment, in a split second, God reminded me that it's one thing to need a key, another to have a key, but success comes when you put what you know AND what you have TOGETHER to get the results you need. 

It's yet another reminder than anything is possible, but you have to commit to the process. 

Please, take a straw.

I saw this and immediately started laughing. What funny imagery.

We've all encountered that person who sucks the fun out of everything. No matter how awesome something or someone is, the find fault or reason for failure. They're a pessimist by nature and no one can tell them otherwise. 

How do you handle those types of people? How do you move forward living life and loving people under these circumstances? I think the answer is simple. 

Give them their straw back! 

People can only get as close as you allow them to. Their level of influence whether be positive or negative is determined by you. 

You don't like what someone stands for? Give them their straw back! 
You don't like how someone makes you feel? 
Give them their staw back! 
You don't like how someone's point of view?  
Give them their straw back! 
You don't like what someone posts online? 
Give them their staw back! (As well as hit the "unfollow" button which works wonders) 

Their are SO many wonderful, strong, influential people in this world. Don't focus on the small minority that are out to make things miserable. You choose whom you allow into your life. If you don't like something, let it go. Walk away. 

Give them their straw back.