How beautiful is it when a variety of flowers, all types, sizes, shapes and colors come together and blossom under the sun? Is it not one of the most beautiful sights to behold?
This beautiful imagery reminds me of life. Each of us like a flower, beautiful in our own way, gorgeous in size, stature and color, coming together to bloom under the Son.
A flower is beautiful on it's own, this is true, but together they are breathtaking and without sunlight, they will perish.
What am I saying? How wonderful to live a life like the flower that doesn't compete with the flower to the left or the right, rather it just BLOOMS under the light of the Son.
Oh to be like the flower, without rival. That is my prayer, that I would embrace my differences, allow my individuality to complement the lives of those who surround me, while allowing them to complement mine. To live a life free of comparison, without rival.
That's my prayer. Lord, let me live and love without rival.