Have you ever set a goal? Began a pursuit for something
more? Searched for a life of meaning? Something deeper? Something greater? Something
If you’re like me, the answer is yes. Absolutely. Over and
over again I’ve begun a relentless pursuit for something, and over and over I’ve found myself stuck and stagnant.
I start off with the best of intentions and yet over and over again, it all
falls apart. Sometimes in days, sometimes in weeks, sometimes even months but
my plans inevitably come crashing down to a fast finish.
Why does this happen? What is the big looming issue? Why can’t
I just finish what I started? Why can’t I just stick to the plan? Why can’t I see
it to completion? What is standing in my way? Is it the devil? Is it God
wanting to “save me for something better”? Is it my family? My friends? My responsibilities?
What is it??
I’ve thought about this over and over again. I’ve talked
about it, I’ve prayed about it, I’ve read about what could be the problem, I’ve
sought out a solution, I’ve asked for advice and encouragement and still,
nothing. Nothing seems to help, nothing until now at least.
Recently I’ve felt so strong in my heart that the problem is
I am the only thing standing between me and my destiny. It’s not my situation
or circumstance, it’s not my availability, it’s not my support system or lack thereof,
it’s not the devil, it’s not a test or trial, it’s simply me.
I forgot to say no.
I’ve come to the conclusion that a lack of self-control is
the leading issue in my failure, or better yet lack of success. I don’t believe I’m technically a failure, I mean I live a pretty decent
life, I’m doing well by most standards but deep down inside I know there is so
much more and I stand in my own way daily.
I forgot to say no,
No, I won’t do that
No, I won’t go there
No, I won’t watch that
No, I won’t eat that
No, I won’t say that
No, I won’t listen to that
No, I won’t snooze one more time
No, I won’t take a nap
No, I won’t skip this
No, I won’t answer that call
No, I won’t reply to that text
No, I don’t have time
No, I won’t post that
No, I won’t respond to that
No, I won’t buy that
No, I won’t spend that
No, I don’t need
No, I can’t and I won’t.
In a desperate attempt to make everyone happy (including and
primarily myself), I forgot to say no. I
forgot what that even means. I forgot what boundaries were. I forgot that it is healthy and appropriate to
place limitations on my lifestyle. I forgot that just because I can, doesn’t mean that I should.
I can blame everyone and everything around me for why I fail
daily to complete even the most miniscule of tasks, or I can realize that it is
MY responsibility to have self- control and discipline. That is not anyone else’s
responsibility. There is a reason it’s called self- control and self-
A life without limits
will be a life without legacy.
Do you want to see a change in your life? The way you eat? The
way you work? The way you spend? The way you live? Get out of your own way. Let
God be God. Do what you need to do, not
what you want to do. Develop healthy habits, biblical boundaries and learn
the art of saying NO once again.